How Can A Post-TEXIT Border Work With The United States?
Whether you are a supporter or a skeptic of TEXIT, there’s no doubt that you’re wondering how a border between independent Texas and the rest
Whether you are a supporter or a skeptic of TEXIT, there’s no doubt that you’re wondering how a border between independent Texas and the rest
Texas will operate in the same manner as other independent, self-governing nations. We will have our own ambassadors, embassies, trade missions, and consulates around the
Texans are not opposed to sensible immigration. In fact, Texas celebrates the diversity that immigration brings. What Texans do want, however, is for those who
As it stands now, Texas has no authority to negotiate tariff rates while within the union. In fact, the vast majority of current trade agreements
Independence is not a single act embodied in a referendum. Independence is a state of being. The referendum is the first step in the process,
Negotiating travel between the United States and an independent Texas should be relatively easy since there is already an example of how the United States
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Made In the Republic of Texas